Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasound in Boca Raton, FL

Win the fight against erectile dysfunction!

Win the fight against ED with a Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasound!

Man holding baseball bat

If you have concerns regarding your erectile function, a Doppler Ultrasound provides the answers. It allows us to find out WHY you are suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED), exactly HOW bad your ED is, and exactly WHAT we need to do to fix it forever!


What is a Doppler Ultrasound?

Penis ultrasound

A Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasound (PDDU) assesses the etiology (i.e., the cause) of your ED, determining specific details that we need to know to treat it effectively (such as whether you have an inflow or outflow type of ED, whether the ED is a symptom of a more serious illness or condition such as cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, pelvic bowl imbalance, or whether it is caused by localized factors (e.g., scar tissue in the penis). The PDDU is a sophisticated ultrasound technology that also identifies the direction and velocity of blood flow. 

The PDDU scan is performed in the office by an expert, offering immediate results and precise evaluation of the cause of your erection changes.  With this information, a customized program is designed to address the root cause of the problem, offering long-lasting improvement.

The PDDU creates an ultrasound image of the inside of your penis, allowing us to see exactly what is going on inside your body.  Once we know what has happened to cause the problem, we are able to accurately create a customized treatment plan and a deeply effective blueprint to resolve the issues that you are facing.

You’ll be unlikely to receive this kind of ultrasonic, detailed technological approach from your primary care physician – we are specialists in sexual performance which means that we can offer you insights that very few others can.

Your Penis... Is Incredible!

Penile Doppler Ultrasound machine

When you look closely at the penis, particularly with an ultrasound scan, you can really appreciate what an incredible organ it is.

An erection is simple in its elegance and complex in its mechanical process, requiring the rapid and efficient coordination of your arterial, venous, nervous, and capillary systems. An erection originates in your brain, where sexual stimulation causes a nerve signal to stimulate the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine (often referred to as the ‘happy hormone’!).

The signal then continues via the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) pathway to the penis (NB. the PNS controls homeostasis – the balance of the body at rest), at which point the smooth muscle of the arteries in the penis relax.

This relaxation allows blood to flow into the penis at an increased rate and pressure, causing the penis to harden. Once erect, orgasm and ejaculation are dependent on the regulatory actions of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS-which controls the body’s reactions to stimulation) and the contraction of pelvic bowel muscles. You might have noticed that the quantity of ejaculate volume created as you orgasm contributes significantly to the pleasure and intense feeling of ejaculation.

Getting, and maintaining an erection and ejaculating requires collaboration between multiple systems.   These systems are often the first affected in the early stages of the disease.  This is why medical professionals often admit that erectile dysfunction is the “canary” because changes occur long before a serious disease is diagnosed. “I know it is urgent to be evaluated as soon as ED starts”. ~ Dr. Roy

The biggest problem you will have in finding a resolution to your erectile dysfunction (ED), or other associated sexual problems is the lack of knowledge your doctor has about the many causes of ED, how to diagnose which one(s) are affecting you and what to do about it.   ~ Dr. Roy


PDDU's and Peyronie's Disease

Penis diagram

One condition that a PDDU scan has proven excellent in the detection of is Peyronie’s disease –  an inflammatory condition that causes curvature of the penis.

Peyronie’s, also known as penile fibrosis, is the presence of fibrous scar tissue in the penis that can cause painful, bowed erections. It often begins as trauma-triggered inflammation and grows into a hardened area (in the thick sheath of the penis called the Tunica Albuginea).

This unpleasant condition inhibits the proper erection of a penis.  If not triggered by an injury, it occurs because of an underlying physiological inflammatory problem.

A PDDU scan makes clear the pathology, making subsequent treatment options far more efficient. Such knowledge is vital as, if left untreated, Peyronie’s can often cause irreversible damage.

Ultimately, no man should feel shy about seeking help for an ED. At the Doctors Studio, we have performed countless PDDU scans and helped countless men restore sexual function. Sometimes we have even discovered – and treated – potentially life-threatening conditions. Remember – a penile ultrasound could end up saving your life and at the very least allow us to treat your ED in a rapid and efficient way.

If you’ve been having any concerns whatsoever about ED, don’t wait – contact us today, and let’s get it fixed together. Regardless of the cause – whether it is psychological, hormonal, blood vessel-related, or neurological, we will get to the bottom of it.

Erectile dysfunction infographic

Diagnostic Benefits of a PDDU:

  • Evaluation of dynamic blood flow to and from the penis
  • Detection of abnormalities of / affecting the penis (cancer, Peyronie’s Disease, scar tissue, etc.)
  • Diagnosis of arterial insufficiency
  • Detection of venous leakage
  • Quantification of blood flow abnormalities
  • Determination of whether large or small blood vessel disease is present
  • Predicts the response of your ED to vasodilation medications that enhance blood flow to the penis

Restore Incredible Erections Today!

All men know the pleasure and intense feelings that accompany ejaculation. All men deserve a healthy sex life, efficient penile function, and the incredible satisfaction that accompanies it. However, ED – a surprisingly common but often hard-to-diagnose condition – can rob you of that pleasure.

The PDDU provides final answers to the questions “WHY” do I have ED? “HOW” bad is my ED? and “WHAT” do I need to do to fix my ED forever? Let us take the worries out of your hands and solve these issues permanently! Contact the Doctors Studio today and we will set the wheels in motion to restore your sex life once and for all to one that is fully optimized, pleasurable,& fulfilling – in other words, exactly the sex life that you deserve!


Let’s face it… EVERYONE in the room knows when you are struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED). The PDDU provides answers to the question “WHY” do you have ED, “HOW” bad is my ED, and “WHAT” needs to be done to fix your ED forever!

Dr. Lisbeth Roy, D.O.

Founder of Doctors Studio

There are Innovative, Effective,

Solutions for Your ED!

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