Root Cause Wellness
Root Cause Wellness

Root Cause Wellness

Functional doctors, as compared to Traditional, differ in the way they approach an illness or dysfunction. A Functional & Regenerative practice, such as Doctors Studio, first identifies the underlying causes of your symptoms.

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Know Your Epigenetics

Most of us believe that our DNA predicts who we are; that we are bound to a future that has been predestined to us by genetic inheritance.

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Studio Detox

But you have been unable to achieve your goals. You are making the effort and not seeing results, but you don’t know what to do or who to trust.

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Precision IV Therapy

IV delivered nutrients bypass the potential issues with absorption we face when we take in vitamin & mineral supplements orally.

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Ozone and UBI

Ozone therapy has been used for decades in medical science but has only recently burst onto the scene of rejuvenative medicine &and anti-aging therapies.

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