Using Functional Medicine To Alleviate Female Sexual Dysfunction


Are you a female who feels unmotivated to connect with your significant other between the sheets? Do you feel turned off by the idea of sex? Do you wonder what happened to the playful and vital young woman you once were, always game for physical intimacy and connection?  If so, you are not alone. The most recent statistics show that 1 in 3 middle-aged women suffer from symptoms of Female Sexual Dysfunction or FSD. That number increases to 50% for women over fifty-five years old. Many women assume that a loss of libido or interest in sex is normal, especially if they're busy with careers, children, and the ever-increasing demands of today's world. Unfortunately, this thinking robs many women of one of the most basic and natural enjoyments of life while putting them at risk of experiencing distance from their partner. At Doctors Studio, we're passionate about guiding women to reclaim their sexual health. We identify the root cause of our patients' FSD so they can shake the burdens of this disorder once and for all.

What Is Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Woman Looking so Confused
Female Sexual Dysfunction will look different from patient to patient. Still, tell-tale signs are problems with sexual arousal, pain during sex, inability to orgasm, and low desire to engage in intercourse. FSD is not only relegated to aging women; it affects women of all different ages and backgrounds.

There are four specific subtypes of FSD.

  1. Anorgasmia: an inability to orgasm.
  2. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: low libido.
  3. Dyspareunia: painful sex.
  4. Sexual arousal disorder: difficulty becoming aroused.

What Are The Symptoms Of Female Sexual Dysfunction?

The symptoms of Female Sexual Dysfunction can include one or more of the following conditions:
  • Low sexual desire
  • Inability to become aroused
  • Inability to orgasm
  • Pain when having sex
  • No interest in sex
  • Decreased sexual thoughts and fantasies
  • Tightening of vaginal muscles, preventing penetration

What Causes Female Sexual Dysfunction?

A female's arousal and orgasm is a complex process that requires both physical and psychological components for successful completion. The causes of FSD vary from woman to woman and can include just one or a combination of any of the following considerations.

Physical Causes Of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Doctor Talking to a Woman

Gynecological Conditions

Pre-existing gynecological conditions are often the culprit for pain during sex. If you have any of the following conditions, meet with a functional medicine doctor to create a treatment plan that address the root cause so you can heal long-term:
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Vaginitis
  • Endometriosis

Hormonal Imbalances or Changes

Many women will experience significant life changes—such as pregnancy or menopause—that contribute to drastic hormonal changes. The biggest tell-tale sign of hormones' contribution to FSD is vaginal dryness or atrophy. Other women naturally suffer from low estrogen, which creates difficulty in experiencing pleasurable sensations during intercourse. 

Blood Flow Issues

Female sexual arousal depends on blood flow to the vagina and clitoris. Without it, arousal is very difficult, so issues related to blood flow could prohibit arousal and orgasm.


Some medications and treatments have side effects that include difficulty with sexual functioning. A functional medicine doctor works with patients to create a treatment plan to target the root cause of health conditions. That way, you're not stuck on medications that only treat symptoms instead of proactively setting the foundation for wellness. If you're on any kind of medication known for negative sexual side effects, working with a functional medicine doctor will help you strategize your treatment plan and possibly free you of medicine that's not healing at the root.
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Psychological Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction

It's completely normal for psychological conditions to affect your libido. Any health professional who denies the intrinsic relationship between mind, body, and soul is one we would recommend avoiding. Your body works in harmony when you're in balance with your physical and mental health.

Sexual Abuse & Trauma

Victims of sexual abuse understandably have difficulty desiring and enjoying sex. We strongly recommend seeking the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist who can help you work through the lingering effects of trauma that could be affecting your sex life and so much more. Victims often hesitate to seek psychological treatment, as unlocking the pain around their past feels too daunting. While this is completely understandable, unresolved trauma could affect you in untold ways. Working with a mental health professional can help you find healing inside, which benefits your physical health as well. 


So much is emerging about depression and mental illness, a complex topic that requires nuance and special consideration for every individual patient. We've found that symptoms of depression are sometimes lessened or alleviated with supplements and hormonal treatments. Additionally, medications for depression have a high occurrence of negative sexual effects. While we recommend the guidance of a mental health professional if you're suffering from depression, we also strongly advise working with a functional medicine doctor to determine other root causes. A holistic treatment plan could help both depression and FSD.

Relationship Dynamics

If there are strained or distressed dynamics in your relationship, it's only natural that arousal or desire for intimacy decreases. A decrease in sexual activity often frustrates the partner not experiencing sexual frustration, creating even more relationship problems. Working with a couples counselor gives you and your partner the tools to navigate an often frustrating situation.


Wearing multiple hats in our fast-paced world can cause stress for even the most resilient woman. If you suspect stress is behind your sexual dysfunction, a functional medicine doctor can offer guidance for restoring inner peace and sexual enjoyment.

Connecting With A Functional Medicine Doctor To Treat Female Sexual Dysfunction

A functional medicine doctor works with you to understand your genetics, biology, and mental health so they understand what you, as a complex being, need for successful health. A treatment plan that addresses the problems at the root of the issue is the only kind of treatment plan that can help free you from Female Sexual Dysfunction once and for all.  At Doctors Studio, we've treated hundreds of women suffering from Female Sexual Dysfunction and have celebrated with them as they've reclaimed their health and passion for pleasure. If you'd like a consultation to find out how we can work with you to restore your sexual health, schedule an appointment online today or give us a call at 561-444-7751.
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