Don’t Lose Your Head (Of Hair) Over the Menopause!


Worth an astounding $85 billion, the global haircare market reflects our insatiable appetite for beautiful thick, flowing hair. A sign of virility for men, and femininity for women, our desire for luscious locks isn’t slowing down any time soon! Expected to reach $102 billion by 2024, it’s safe to say that we are all lusting after those Rapunzel locks.

But what happens when your hair suddenly starts to thin?

When we looked at the stats, we were shocked. Around 50% of all women will suffer from noticeable hair loss during their lifetime. And one of the most common reasons for suddenly seeing an alarming amount of hair tangling up your hairbrush?

The menopause.

Why Does The Menopause Cause Hair Loss?

When we’re younger, our bodies abundantly produce estrogen and progesterone. Both hormones help to extend the length of the growing phase of our hair cycle, meaning that hair is able to grow quickly and also keep growing over a long period of time. However, when we hit the menopause, our progesterone and estrogen levels drop quickly and significantly.

When that happens, the hair growth phase of our regular hair cycle significantly shortens. That means that your hair has little time to grow before it is shed in a cyclical pattern. Shedding is natural but aesthetically distressing when our hair has gotten thinner than we’d like! And when we hit the menopause those shedding phases start to outrun the growth phases.

The end result? No more thick, shiny hair.

How to Restore Thicker Hair

But there’s no need to lose your head (of hair!).

While we can’t guarantee a complete replenishment of your luscious locks, we are confident that we will be able to noticeably improve thickness and hair quality.

First, we can use our state-of-the-art diagnostics to check your hormones and get to the root cause of your hair loss. Hormones can be very delicately balanced, so understanding the exact nature of your specific imbalance is key. You might, for example, be suffering from excessively low testosterone, estrogen, or progesterone. When we’ve identified that imbalance, we can treat it really effectively with hormonal therapies.

Other times, we discover that the root of a woman’s hair loss lies in major, undiagnosed nutrient deficiencies. If your vitamin D, zinc, or magnesium levels are low, for example, you may experience rapid and noticeable hair thinning. In this scenario, we often find that IV nutrients and nutritional supplements are particularly impactful, often enabling rapid positive results.

Doctors Studio alsosuccessfully treats many post-menopausal and menopausal women with an innovative therapy known as PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy involves extracting the rich, healing plasma taken from your own body and re-injecting it into your scalp. This enables greater blood flow to the scalp and the stimulation of growth factors which often enables a return to more effective hair growth.

This medically innovative therapy has already been deployed across a whole range of fields – from dentistry, orthopedics, and sports medicine to aesthetics – with impressive results. Having recently migrated to the field of aesthetics and hair loss, we’re experiencing real success in helping clients restore hair growth. It might just be the weapon that you need in the fight against menopausal hair loss!

Restore Beautiful Hair Today!

If you’d like to restore hair growth to pre-menopausal levels, why not reach out today to find out more? You could also invest in exclusive Doctors Studio supplements, which we’ve created to boost immunity alongside hair loss. Whatever your health issue, we’re always here to help!

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