Testosterone Treatment for Women in Boca Raton, FL

Low T for Women & Link to Depression.

While considered a male sex hormone, testosterone plays a big part in the energy levels of both men and women, meaning when your testosterone is low, you start to experience symptoms like fatigue, probably the main reason women come to us for a consult to check their hormone balance.

Normal, sustained female testosterone levels in women can help:

A lady thinking deeply about problems
  • Support the maintenance and healthy growth of bone tissue.
  • Increase and maintain muscle mass.
  • Decrease the amount of fat storage (particularly in post-menopausal women)
  • Promote a healthy sex drive or libido.
  • Decrease the risk of vaginal atrophy.

The Compounding Pharmacy of America has created a detailed overview about the treatment of low testosterone. Here are the highlights taken directly from their website:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a treatment typically marketed to men. However, women also produce testosterone, although in smaller amounts than men. When these levels dip below normal for women, it can negatively impact their health.

TRT can be indicated for the treatment of low testosterone in women to improve their daily lives and overall health outcomes. Many women have reported positive changes in their lives by increasing levels of testosterone.

Causes of Low Testosterone in Women

Testosterone is a hormone that does a lot for both men and women’s bodies. The pituitary gland controls how much testosterone is produced in the body. It can signal to the body that it has enough or too much testosterone, causing it to over or under produce the hormone – creating a hormonal imbalance.

There are two main reasons why a woman may have low testosterone:

  • The normal aging process. Much like men, women’s testosterone levels diminish naturally with age, particularly after menopause. In some cases, low testosterone is a natural consequence of diminishing hormone levels.
  • Issues with the pituitary glands or ovaries. These two organs play an integral role in the synthesis of testosterone. The pituitary gland is located in the brain, and it signals to the ovaries how much testosterone to produce. An issue with either the pituitary gland or the ovaries can affect testosterone levels.

Typical body functions can lead to the natural reduction of hormones like estrogen and testosterone over time. When a woman approaches menopause, some reductions in testosterone are normal. At the same time, some women may experience more marked reductions in testosterone when taking oral estrogen medications. Ovarian dysfunction or failure (for example, from chemotherapy or radiation) can cause low levels of testosterone, as can thyroid disease and certain types of cancer.

What Does Testosterone Do for a Woman?

Happy & outgoing women

Though women naturally produce less testosterone than men, in small amounts, the hormone is essential in the support of several body functions. Normal, sustained female testosterone levels in women can help:

  • Support the maintenance and healthy growth of bone tissue
  • Increase and maintain muscle mass
  • Decrease the amount of fat storage (particularly in post-menopausal women)
  • Promote a healthy sex drive or libido
  • Decrease the risk of vaginal atrophy

There is some research to suggest that normal testosterone levels in women can even help support cardiovascular health. As such, this is more than just a “sex hormone” – it plays an integral role in overall good health and longevity.

Too little testosterone can directly contribute to a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Pelvic floor insufficiency
  • Depression
  • Cancer

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women

Women with low testosterone may present with one or several symptoms. In general, low testosterone can cause:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Sluggishness or fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Weight gain
  • Issues with fertility
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Loss of bone density
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of libido
  • Decreased sexual satisfaction

Because these symptoms present as so many other issues, low testosterone in women often goes undiagnosed. Women with low testosterone may also experience emotional symptoms like:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Feelings of depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Problems with memory and cognition

If these symptoms are familiar to you, call Doctors Studio today. A blood test can determine whether your testosterone is low and get it back to a normal level.

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