Why Viagra Might Be Damaging Your Penis


Viagra, the little blue pill that offers a whole lot of promise, burst onto the sexual performance scene in the late ’90s. Alongside similar oral medications like Cialis and Levitra, it revolutionized men’s sexual medicine. Transforming the sex lives of countless men, Viagra is still the fastest-selling pill in American history. And it’s clear to see why.

Viagra works by swiftly relaxing the muscles to the penis, enabling blood flow. For men with erectile dysfunction (ED) that means a welcome, but temporary relief from impotence and a few hours of great, powerful erections. So far, so great.

Viagra clearly offers a great short-term win. But in the long-term? You might be looking at some serious long-term damage. Read on to find out why.

Masking the Problem

Now, we’re not criticizing Viagra for its ability to achieve great short-term effects. That’s what it is made to do. That’s what it claims to do. And it’s helped a lot of men.

But here’s the problem. While taking Viagra will get you hard again (for a few hours), ED is often just a symptom of a far graver underlying disease. And if you simply rely on Viagra as a Band-Aid to cover the side effects of that disease, you’re simply masking the problem. Left unchecked, the underlying cause of your ED could become a whole lot worse. And the longer you mask those ED symptoms, the more critical your health condition could become. Eventually, you might be facing invasive surgeries and even a life-limiting disease further down the line. And your penis? It could end up sustaining irreversible damage.

Short-Term Gain, but Long-Term Pain?

When you choose to pop a pill over a more rigorous investigation of your health, you’re risking a short-term gain for long-term pain. Why?

Well, ED is often treated as a standalone problem but the reality is, it’s often just a symptom of something else. In fact, we often view ED as a great ‘early warning system’ that alerts us to a degeneration in our health that might otherwise present no other symptoms.

Many serious health conditions like heart disease, for example, can often cause significant disruptions to the blood flow in your body. However, it’s difficult to detect this degeneration yourself. That’s why a heart attack is often the first sign of heart disease – because symptoms might not appear until it’s too late.

But there is an exception. The first (and sometimes only) place men tend to notice sub-optimized blood flow is the penis. Why? Well, think about the fact that you’re used to waking up with a hard-on in the mornings. That’s a daily reminder that everything is working okay.

You might already enjoy frequent, exciting sex life. And even if you don’t, well, around 92% of American men masturbate frequently. So we’re pretty sure you’d notice fast – via a lack of erections or erectile strength – if blood flow to the penis becomes disrupted in any way. And if blood flow to the penis has become compromised, it’s likely to be indicative of a more systemic issue.

The problem is, most people don’t read ED as an early warning system. They view it as a temporary sexual performance issue – and take a pill to mask it. Don’t make that mistake.

Possible causes of your ED:

ED is rarely a standalone problem. The side-effects of medications, anxiety, stress and depression can all contribute to ED, alongside:

  • Covid-19: Men who have had Covid-19 are six times more likely to suffer ED.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
  • Endocrine Diseases::Diseases of the endocrine system can cause ED. For example, diabetes can cause impotence because it obstructs your body’s ability to use the hormone insulin effectively.
  • Neurological Conditions: Alzheimer’s Disease, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, brain tumors, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal tumors, and other neurological disorders can cause ED because they can disrupt the nerve signals sent from the brain to the reproductive system.

Why Risk it?

Ultimately, why risk it? Don’t mask the problem. Listen to your body!

Our world-beating Men’s Clinic can use state-of-the-art diagnostics, treatments, and therapies to help you do just that. And our exclusive Studio Vitality Program for Men offers a genuinely powerful means of restoring ED function – while dealing with whatever underlying issues may have caused it. If you’re worried about ED, contact us today – we’re here to help.

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