5 Reasons Why You Need A Functional Medicine Coach


It might seem that proactive, holistic healthcare is difficult to find, leaving you to settle for “okay” advice and band-aid solutions to your health issues. 

While traditional medicine is beholden to the well-being of insurance and pharmaceutical companies, functional medicine doctors are set apart by their commitment to their patients’ ultimate health and healing. This commitment allows functional medicine doctors to provide superior guidance for their patients.

In fact, functional medicine care sets the foundation for a unique relationship between doctor and patient, known as functional medicine coaching. This is a powerful dynamic that helps patients achieve optimal health through thoughtful and personalized advice, treatments, and support.

Let’s explore functional medicine coaching and how it might be right for you.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a proactive and holistic approach to health that seeks to treat the root cause of illness instead of medicating the symptoms. The best functional medicine clinics are passionate about empowering their patients to be advocates for their health, so they can enjoy vitality and wellness well into their life. 

For this to happen, treatments must be personalized to the patient’s physical, mental and emotional makeup. That’s because all of these elements are connected, a fact that traditional medicine simply is not equipped to address.

What Is A Functional Medicine Coach?

patient listening to doctor

A functional medicine coach is usually a functional medicine doctor who incorporates highly-individualized support systems into a patient’s treatment plan. This dynamic goes beyond the requisite testing and consequential treatments. Working with a functional medicine coach means you’ll have accountability, emotional support, and access to different perspectives on your unique journey.

It also means that your individualized care reaches a new level, with your coach giving you the push to overcome obstacles and break through into a healthy new you. They ensure you’re not alone on your healing and wellness journey, can help you pivot strategies if needed, and ensure your safety through the entire process.

When To See A Functional Medicine Coach

A functional medicine coach is a sound investment for anyone who wants to experience caring, accountable, and proactive healthcare. Functional medicine coaches are also a great fit for people who know they benefit from extra accountability and are ready for an extra push through obstacles with the help of a medical doctor.

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5 Reasons Why You Need A Functional Medicine Coach


Humans tend to follow through on their goals when they have someone or something holding them accountable. A functional medicine coach checks in to make sure you’re taking the steps and following the strategy the two of you have agreed on.

Guidance From Start To Finish

While it’s exciting to have access to so much information online, it’s important to have a trusted medical professional in your corner. Functional medicine doctors take their time getting to know you and your health from top to bottom. 

Their expertise plus your feedback serves as a foundation for a strong strategy to get you from where you are now to where you want to be without all of the guesswork that comes with trying to piece it together yourself.


Humans are resistant to change, even when it’s beneficial. We’ve had patients share that sometimes it’s not the tasks they’re assigned that are most difficult; it’s the mental blocks that can stand in the way. Having a functional medicine coach means you’ll be supported not only through the physical challenges but also the mental blocks. 

They Have Access To Your Coach’s Networks

Your functional medicine coach should be equipped with the latest technology, testing, and medical knowledge, so you have every resource needed to achieve your goals. 

However, if there’s ever a concern you run into that your coach doesn’t feel they’re the best resource for, they should be able to refer you to colleagues and peers that can help you out. This ensures that no hurdle on your path to vitality is too high to overcome. 

You’ll Keep Your Priorities In Check

With a coach in your corner, old habits that try to creep back in don’t stand a chance. From a functional medicine standpoint, a change to your health is a change to mind, body, and spirit; your coach will help you align all aspects of your life to point you in the direction you want to go. 

Suddenly, you’ll start hearing your coach’s voice in the back of your head if you’re tempted to binge television instead of taking a walk, and before you know it, you’ll be lacing up your sneakers instead of picking up the remote.

Getting Started With A Functional Medicine Coach

Doctor in earphones having online consultation with patient on laptop stock photo

Doctors Studio offers functional medicine coaching in Boca Raton, FL, provided by our experienced founder Dr. Lisbeth Roy. 

When you contact our office, we’ll ask you for some initial information and set you up with a consultation. Our process is personalized, so no two coaching journeys will look the same. However, we treat every patient with respect while doing everything in our power to support their wellness journey 

If you’re ready to start with a functional medicine coach, schedule a call today or call our office at 561-444-7751.

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How To Get Started


Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


Begin Your Wellness Journey

It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life