Not Getting Enough?


We hear the same story a LOT from our male clients. They just aren’t getting enough action between the sheets.

Well, here’s how you change the game.

A Little Less Conversation?

According to Elvis,  ‘A little less conversation, a little more action is exactly what we need! But if we check in with the experts, the conversation can be the best kind of foreplay! Strengthening the lines of communication can sometimes be exactly what we need in fixing issues in the bedroom. So our first tip?

#1. Re-establish the Intimacy

Often a lack of intimacy, romance or time can really kill the spark. Find out how to get that spark back – then go for it!

One great strategy is to re-establish the tactile nature of your relationship, without an immediate expectation of sex. This increases oxytocin, a bonding hormone, which can lead to a stronger connection between you both. Holding hands, hugs, embraces, putting down the phone, and watching a movie together under a blanket are all easy yet effective ways to strengthen that bond. And when you’re already more tactile and affectionate, it’s easier for sexual intimacy to naturally follow.

#2. Fire up your natural steroid hormones.

Our second tip focuses on steroids. No, not the sketchy kind your mate found from a guy in his local bodybuilding gym! We mean the natural steroid hormones that your body produces. When you in your 30s and 40s, natural steroid levels tend to decline, and that can leave you with lower than optimal growth hormone and testosterone levels.

Now, that can cause issues in the bedroom. Why? Because we rely on those exact steroidal hormones for our libido, erectile strength, ejaculatory power, and even confidence. So when those hormones dip, we can feel our former virility slip away with them, too.

Often, the best strategy is to simply find natural ways to help our own bodies increase the natural production of the right hormones. And that’s exactly why we created Balance TRT!  In our opinion, it’s the best natural hormone booster out there! It is non-addictive, increases hormone levels naturally, and works with your body. Better still, it has led to major improvements in the sex lives of many of our clients, who can’t stop raving about it! And our state-of-the-art diagnostics allow us to identify (and treat) any kind of hormone deficiency that might be holding you back, rapidly and effectively.

#3. Hit the Gym and Up Your Protein Intake

a bodybuilder lifting the barbell photo by anastase-maragos from unsplash

When you lift weights and work out, your natural hormone levels tend to shoot up. And if you increase protein intake with a great diet (lean steak, chicken, fish) or protein supplements, you’ll be giving your testosterone levels a major helping hand, too.

The most interesting takeaway for us – that not a lot of people know – is that lifting weights carries major mental health benefits as well, that even cardio exercise cannot provide. So consider swapping out the soda for protein shakes and get ready to enjoy the benefits!

The Doctors Studio Difference

Interested in finding out more about our exclusive, medically-developed supplement range? Check out the Doctors Studio Store today!

Not sure if you have low hormones? Book in today for a hormone check at our state-of-the-art Men’s Clinic. And for any other issue relating to sexual health, reach out today – we’re always here to help.

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