What Are Trimix Injections?


To men struggling with erectile dysfunction: we know that you’ve tried everything. You’ve tried changing your diet, and you’ve tried pills. You’ve talked to your doctor about hormone therapy to boost your testosterone levels.

But have you tried Trimix injections

Trimix is a unique blend of circulation-stimulating medications. When delivered to the penis, these medications cause powerful erections. If you want to recover your sexual performance fast, talk to Doctors Studio about getting set up with Trimix.

Why Are Men Everywhere Saying “Yes” to Trimix?

functional doctor having consultation

Trimix is one of the most popular ED treatments at Doctors Studio. When we first offered the therapy, we would have to explain what Trimix is and what it can do for sexual performance. Now we have men from all over the country calling us saying, “I need Trimix yesterday.”

Once you try Trimix for yourself, you’ll understand the therapy’s incredible benefits.

1. Maintain powerful erections

The medication works directly on the penis’ blood vessels to increase blood flow. Many men don’t respond to pills like Cialis and Viagra. They’ve all but given up hope – except that Trimix work wonders for their sexual performance!

2. Receive the treatment at home with complete discretion

Once the doctors at Doctors Studio show you how to administer Trimix, you can do so from the comfort of your own home. No need to take time out of your busy schedule to make appointments. No more uncomfortable waits at the pharmacist as you pick up your ED medication. Your sexual health is your business (and yours alone).

3. Treatment tailored to your unique bodily needs

The team at Doctors Studio approaches every patient with root cause wellness. Whether you’re struggling with chronic aches or sexual dysfunction, we know that your body is unique to you. We’re here to support you throughout the process; all you have to do is pick up the phone and call us for expert medical advice.

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How is Trimix Administered?

Trimix is administered through injection into the soft tissues of the penis. When you first begin Trimix injections, we will give you clear and simple instructions and can demonstrate the proper injection technique. But in reality, Trimix is extremely simple to administer.

Men will inject Trimix up to three times per week. We rarely recommend more, since too-frequent injections can lead to penile damage. You must also wait at least 24 hours between injections.

Administration becomes even easier with our auto-injector. Every one of our patients receives their own personal auto-injector to facilitate at-home use. Each injection takes fewer than five minutes so you can increase sexual performance in no time at all.

Is Trimix safe?

Many men initially question the effectiveness of penile injection therapy. They fear that needles will cause damage to the penis or lead to long-term scarring over time. Negative outcomes like this, however, rarely occur. When Trimix is used under the supervision of a doctor, 90% of men report positive results.

The FDA has also approved all the medications found in Trimix. This is not a new therapy, either; doctors have been successfully administering Trimix since the 80s and 90s. If you have questions about Trimix, our team can provide detailed explanations on administration, medications, side effects, and other concerns.

Finally, Trimix can be used alongside other medications. In many cases, Trimix supports simultaneous ED treatments like the P-Shot and Shock Wave Therapy. It can also be used alongside medications for secondary health issues. Be sure to tell your doctor about all of your current medications before starting Trimix therapy.

How to Get Started with Trimix Injections


Are you ready to regain sexual performance and confidence? All men deserve to feel their best, and Doctors Studio is where they go to rediscover their vitality. Our location makes it easy to get started with Trimix injections. 

1. Schedule a Call

We serve patients from all across the country. Even if you can’t visit our Boca Raton location, give us a call and we will meet with you over the phone. Ask us your questions and raise concerns while getting a sense of how we operate via our complimentary calls.

2. Set Your First Appointment

Once you decide to work with Doctors Studio to recover your sexual performance, you’ll meet with an expert studio team member for an initial consultation. We will go over your health history, make recommendations, and determine if Trimix is the right ED therapy for you.

3. Begin Trimix

Doctors Studio takes full advantage of telehealth. You can administer Trimix from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the country. If you have questions, simply schedule an online call, and we will provide expert medical guidance.

4. Adjust Dosage as Needed

Keep us updated on your progress Are you experiencing the results you hoped for? Does the dosage seem a bit too strong? Let us know how you are doing, and we will adapt your treatment plan as needed. 

5. Experience Peak Sexual Performance

Trimix is one of the most popular ED treatments available – and for good reason! It’s fast-acting and powerful with few negative side effects. With Trimix, most men report feeling more confidence and pleasure in bed.

If you started asking “What are Trimix injections?” we hope that this article explained the basics of Trimix and why you should consider it when seeking out ED solutions. If you have any questions, reach out to the Doctors Studio team today.

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