Peptide Therapy


is a newly emerged science that helps to achieve both internal and external changes in the body. Peptides are small proteins comprised of short chains of amino acids that the body uses as hormones and signaling molecules for biological pathways. Naturally occurring peptides are responsible for the way your body functions. Your weight loss, your sexual competence, and even your digestion processes are partially controlled by peptides. Peptide therapy helps the body mimic the functions of naturally occurring peptides to emulate certain abilities in targeted areas. Although peptide therapy is fairly new, as of 2015, there were over 60 US FDA-approved peptide medications, 140 peptide drugs being evaluated in clinical trials, and 500 in pre-clinical development. This is a science society has been waiting a long time for. Since peptides vary in structure and number, effects vary as well. Peptide therapy has been used to treat age-related conditions, osteoporosis, obesity, inflammatory disease, and even neuropathy issues. This type of therapy provides a far less invasive alternative to medicines and procedures we have become all too familiar and complacent with. Additionally, since the body is already accustomed to these peptides, they are synthesized, naturally causing less strain. Consider how your body processes naturally occurring peptides, like insulin and endorphins. Peptide therapy is not introducing the body to anything foreign, which is what makes this type of therapy so scientifically sound. Peptide therapies can be made using chemical processes or produced inside genetically modified cells. Many peptide therapies are administered via injection or cream. Since peptide therapy is based on how the body naturally works, there have not been many documented side effects associated with the administration of this type of therapy. Peptide therapy may be your light at the end of a dark tunnel.

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How To Get Started


Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


Begin Your Wellness Journey

It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life