Erectile Dysfunction: Why Are Young Guys Now More At Risk?


Think erectile dysfunction (ED) is an old man’s problem?

Think again!

Here’s a crazy statistic. Over a quarter of all guys under 40 years old now suffer from sexual performance issues.1 Even worse, recent research tells us that 50% of all men in their 30’s are now suffering from ED2. And an almost unbelievable 97% increase in diabetes among the under-19 age group has pushed the scales back even earlier when it comes to early-onset risk of ED (diabetes is a major risk factor for erectile issues).  

So, if you’re a young guy who loves sex (who doesn’t?!), read on to find out how to maintain your perfect batting average between the sheets. And if ED is already an issue – don’t panic. We can help you fix it.

Why Should I Worry? I’m Young!

Reading this in a lecture theater? Look up right now and the data tells us that there’s a very high statistical likelihood that you’ll be looking at more than a few guys who have experienced ED. Playing on a baseball team? Same story. At least a couple of guys in your locker room are likely to have missed a home run or three of their own over the last few weeks.

The bottom line is – ED can affect you no matter how old – or young – you are.

Why Stress Makes You Strike Out

Stress – may be from a high-powered job, juggling school and work, or exam pressures – can quickly affect your sexual performance. In fact, psychological stress remains the biggest cause of ED in young males.4 When you’re stressed, your body releases ‘fight-or-flight’ stress chemicals, such as cortisol. This enables you to become hyper-vigilant, focused, and ready to act in the face of danger. That’s great if you’re facing down an angry bear! But not so great if you’re feeling sexually aroused. That’s because these specific ‘fight or flight’  hormones and neurotransmitters prevent your PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) from releasing the specific hormones that you need to experience a blissed-out, sexually satisfied, state.

Remember that always-delicious, languorous build-up to orgasm? That’s your PNS, helping to release serotonin and oxytocin, making you feel relaxed and so, so good. But if your fight-or-flight system is still ramped up, pumping out stress hormones, your PNS might not be able to mobilize at all.

Stress & Depression: Major Players in ED

To make it worse, we now know that you’ll have been exposed to a six-fold risk of ED if you catch Covid-19.5 With Covid-19 responsible for a surge in depression6, today’s young males risk being caught in a vicious cycle of Covid-19 related depression and ED.

Diabetes & Dysfunction

Another potential inhibitor or a great sex life for young men? Diabetes.

Diabetes has risen in relative terms by an almost unbelievable 95% in the last 16 years among the Under-19 age group7, partly due to increasingly poor diets and sedentary lifestyles.

But why is this relevant to ED? Well, when diabetes causes blood sugar to get too high, it can also critically lower nitric oxide levels, which in turn can critically inhibit blood flow to the penis. The result? A flaccid penis when all you really want is a hard, powerful erection.

Why Else Might I Be Striking Out Between the Sheets?

Finally, increased use of alcohol, medication, and drug use have all been closely linked to ED in a younger male demographic8. So maybe it’s time to cool your heels on the partying, finish up those performance-enhancing supplements that could be messing with your hormone levels, or think about switching up your prescribed medication if side effects are becoming tough to bear.

Reach Out Today

Young guys often feel too embarrassed about their ED to speak out. It’s one major reason why 33% of ED patients risk depression because of their condition9 – because it leaves them feeling isolated and hopeless. But you don’t need to suffer in silence – our Men’s Clinic can help you resolve ED issues swiftly and effectively. We’d love to help you, just like we’ve already helped countless clients. Reach out today – we’re here to help!

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