Can Bad Sleep Really Mess Up Bedroom Performance?


Are you the party hard and sleep-when-I’m-dead kinda man? Or perhaps you love a good nights’ sleep, but you just can’t stop tossing and turning every night!

Well, it’s time to prioritize those zzzz’s. We’re here to explain exactly why to sleep is so important for your sex life and general health – and how you can get more of it.

A Sexual Secret Weapon

But first, let’s get straight down to it. Do you want great sex? Then you need great sleep, too.

Why? Because sleep is a sexual secret weapon. And that’s because the cellular regeneration that happens at night is exactly what powers us through a great performance during each day.

By the time we’ve reached the evening – when we’re mostly to get sexual and romantic – our bodies are already powering down. Testosterone levels are naturally lower, and we are more tired. Yet we are still demanding a high level of performance when we hit the bedroom. What sucks is that if you’re too tired and sleep-deprived by the time the sun goes down, your likelihood of striking out between the sheets is pretty high.

That’s exactly why we weren’t surprised when a recent study performed by California State University reported a clear relationship between substandard sleep and lower libido. How can you hope to feel sexually fired up when your body has already run out of energy?

In fact, a multitude of studies now shows us that insomnia can directly impact sexual performance.

But unfortunately, when it comes to sleep and sex, the story can get even worse.

A Bedtime Story You Won’t Want to Hear

Mature couple resting together and feeling pleased

Why are sleep and sex such intimately related bedfellows? Turns out that the lower energy levels and increased level of tension in the body caused by sleep deprivation can directly cause erectile dysfunction.

Ever suffered from obstructive sleep apnea? That can ramp up your risk of ED even further.

Sleep apnea is often caused by the exact same cardiovascular issues that lead to erectile problems. If you suffer from sleep apnea, your body will be increasingly unable to breathe insufficient oxygen. That means that your organs – including sexual organs – will not receive adequate oxygen each night. And this can lead to a cumulative state of damage, over time, including erectile dysfunction and damage to the penile tissue.

Sleep apnea also significantly lowers nocturnal testosterone levels. And that can disrupt everything from your interest in sex (libido), to the strength of your erection, and even your ability to orgasm.

So if you’re one of the 70 million Americans currently experiencing some kind of sleep disorder, it’s time to get sleep back on track. We developed REM Rhythm to do just that. Blending melatonin with colostrum, velvet antler and mucuna pruriens, we think you’ll experience the benefits fast.

We can also help you to deal with insomnia and sleep apnea using our state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. Let’s face it – bad sleep can blight every aspect of your life – but you don’t need to suffer. We can help!

So if you’re interested in dealing with any nocturnal issue – whether that’s bad sleep or erectile issues – we’re here to listen. With over fifteen years of experience as a trusted medical practice, we know that we can provide you with the solutions you need. Reach out today – we’re always here to help.

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