Ejaculatory Pain

Unless you are the guy suffering from chronic pelvic pain syndrome or a guy that experiences searing pain when you ejaculate, you have NO IDEA HOW BAD IT FEELS or how many problems it can cause.

How bad it is?

Depressed man sitting because of prostate

Honestly, who can imagine the feeling of a hot knife piercing your scrotum, entering your pelvis at the moment of climax, causing you unbearable pain & robbing you completely of your ability to experience sexual satisfaction & intimacy?

I will never forget the first time I helped a man with these symptoms. He explained his problem to me and noted that he had seen dozens of urologists, neurologists & surgeons. In fact, he’d gone to see anyone who had been willing to talk to him about his problem, but nobody had been able to help him. Apparently, most doctors don’t seem to know what to do for you guys who suffer from ejaculatory pain.

The great news? We know exactly what to do, how to help you, and how to get you the results you need quickly.

Turning the Pain Switch Off

I went back to my medical and scientific roots to determine the possible systems and mechanisms involved with ejaculation. Knowing the mechanisms involved would certainly help me to figure out what was malfunctioning.

I had already seen intense urinary incontinence cured in one session, and pain with intercourse dissolve with one procedure. Ejaculatory pain shouldn’t have to be any different.

I discovered that using PRP therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma) alongside ozone therapy offered incredible results. Used together in a simple in-office procedure, using multiple simultaneous technologies placed in the penile shaft, periprostatic space and sacroiliac joint spaces, PRP, and ozone therapy allowed me to completely free the patient of pain within a week. He had suffered from this pain for FORTY YEARS.

He remains pain-free, almost 20 years later.

Since then, we have treated countless men with similar sexual problems, restoring them to true health & happiness.

Dysorgasmia: The Causes

Dysorgasmia or orgasmalgia, the medical term for painful ejaculation, is a major culprit in the origin of mild to severe pain during or after ejaculation in the penis, scrotum, perineal, perianal, and abdominal area. It can be caused by a range of medical conditions including prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS).

The great news is that we possess extensive experience in the treatment & diagnosis of these conditions, alongside a whole host of others that can, together, contribute to the sensation of painful ejaculation.

The good news? If the pain switch has been switched on…it can also be switched off!

As specialists in sexual health & performance, we are ready to help you switch off your pain and restore you on the road to full sexual health once again. Using a progressive, innovative approach to wellness, we adopt an engineering mindset alongside a medical mindset to innovate and problem solves, maximizing the quality, rapidity & outcomes of every single treatment & therapy that we offer. At Doctors Studio, this spirit of innovation infuses everything that we do, maximizing the end result – which is a healthier, happier you.

Restoring Optimized Sexual Performance & Health

Senior fit guy

Ultimately, the NAME of your disease or dysfunction doesn’t matter. What matters is locating & treating the mechanism that lies behind it, understanding why it is causing you pain, and restoring you on the path to a fulfilling, wonderful sex life once again. Contact the Doctors Studio today to find out how we can help you!

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Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


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It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life