eVOX Brain EEG Testing in Boca Raton, FL

Improve brain function… even while you age!

Discover signs of cognitive impairment while there is still time to it!

Your brain only weighs three pounds, generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb, and contains so many neurons that it would take you over 3, 000 years to count them all! Traveling at 150 mph, signals zoom along our neuronal pathways thousands of times a day to fire up every activity that we undertake (reading, walking, swimming, even sleeping), because learning something new literally changes the structure of our brain!

Measure big head

Our brain elegantly governs every function in our body via a vast, interconnected neuronal & physiological network, helping us laugh, run, sleep, think, eat & engage in every pleasure that life has to offer on a second-by-second basis. Without a healthy brain, we simply cannot function.

Cool, right?

What happens when our brains aren’t well?

Your brain – a complex, elegant, intricate & sophisticated organ – deserves a sophisticated level of care in order that we remain as optimally healthy and happy as we can be.

Until recently, however, diagnosing cognitive decline and dysfunction generally relied on self-reports and effort-based computerized testing. Both lack objectivity and also frequently fail to detect the onset of dysfunction at an early stage (the stage when the diagnosis is most beneficial because interventions tend to be most effective).

That was until eVox® Brain Mapping technology made sophisticated objective brain mapping not only a reality but an accessible, rapid, and effective one. Not only is the test rapid, non-invasive, and pain-free, but it also requires no medical referral and can be performed in our office, so you could actually walk into Doctors Studio and book yours today.

Effective care starts with an accurate diagnosis.
eVox combines big data, deep medical research, and advanced algorithms to aid in diagnosis of early cognitive impairment.  Personalized treatment protocols are crafted once meaningful data is collected.  ~ Dr. Lisbeth Roy

eVox® Brain Mapping Benefits:

The benefits of eVox® are impressive, including:

  • The early detection of Mild Cognitive Decline.
  • Differentiation between cognitive decline and stress-related memory changes.
  • Ability to monitor treatment efficacy.
  • Tracking of memory and brain function data over time.

eVox® Brain Map suite has three highly sophisticated functionalities; three brain electrophysiology tests known as the EEG (electroencephalography), ERP (Event-Related Potential), and ECG (Electrocardiogram).

Push limits

What Can I Expect from an eVox® Brain Mapping scan?

The eVox® Brain Map offers an incredible painless, non-invasive, and fast technological means of mapping brain activity. At Doctors Studio, we utilize the eVox® Brain Mapping technology in-office, which means no need for a referral or lengthy waits for specialist appointments.

From the outset of the eVox® Brain Map scan, you will be asked to wear an EEG cap (which looks and feels a bit like a swim cap!), after which you will be asked to complete a series of simple exercises. During this activity, your brain activity is recorded, with subsequent data providing us with detailed insight into what we call the Memory Test Trifecta – biochemical, brain electrophysiology and behavioral effect results – which together combine to provide a comprehensive picture of the unique health and functioning of your brain.

If spotted early enough, many causes of memory loss can be reversible. But if left unchecked, these problems can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other causes of dementia. Your brain is your most valuable resource, so if you feel that the eVox® Brain Map could help you or someone you love, contact us today to find out more!

eVox® Brain Mapping: The Memory Test Trifecta

Memory test trifecta

The eVox® system offers a convenient, and accessible, medical device that delivers objective memory loss biomarkers to support the recognition of pre-clinical dementia conditions, identifying the root cause of memory loss.

You can not fix a problem you don’t understand. Advanced diagnostics is often necessary to get at the root cause. Once the root cause is identified, the solution becomes possible.

Dr. Lisbeth Roy, D.O.

Founder of Doctors Studio

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