Menopause Driving You Crazy?


Is menopause driving you crazy? If it is, you’re not alone! From hot flashes and mood swings to poor sleep, weight gain, and bad skin, menopause can really take over, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Sweated through a gorgeous outfit on a sophisticated date night? Yeah, we know what that feels like. Felt like crap because you just can’t enjoy a decent nights’ sleep anymore? Been there! Too bloated to fit into any of your favorite clothes? Menopause classic.

it’s exactly why we now prioritize menopause treatments at our leading Women’s Clinic – so you don’t have to suffer anymore.

But first, a quick primer. Why can menopause make us feel so grim? There are two culprits. Estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen promotes the growth and health of the female reproductive organs, also keeping the vagina moisturized, elastic, and well oxygenated. When estrogen declines during the peri-menopause and menopause, we can experience vaginal dryness, discomfort and difficulties in enjoying physical intimacy. It’s also the cause of the dreaded night sweats, bloating, crappy sleep, irregular (often suddenly heavy) periods, headaches and most other hideous menopausal symptoms that we’d try anything to avoid!

And when progesterone levels change? Expect irregular periods – heavy, light, cramping, bloating – and every discomfort that goes with it. Often it feels as if you’re suffering alone. It can be a really isolating feeling.

State-of-the-Art Menopause Care. Created By Women – for Women

Time for some good news!

Did you know that Doctors Studio Women’s Clinic offers a complete hormone evaluation? It’s been developed exclusively by female medics, for females. And it’s something that we continually prioritize in our practice. Why? Because we know – personally – exactly how hard the menopausal phase of life can be.

The great news is that – as medics – we know how to majorly minimize the side effects of the menopause that might currently be blighting your life. And we possess that personal touch and passion that comes with being women and having experienced these exact hormonal issues ourselves. But not only that. We don’t want to just free you of symptoms – but help you re-inject the happiness and adventure back into your life!

Time to Get the Old ‘You’ Back

We’ve had so many female clients leave us feeling like they’ve got the old ‘them’ back. And we love to see their smile and sense of self-return.

We really believe that we owe our success to our state-of-the-art diagnostics and therapies that give us a real edge. Using cutting-edge diagnostics, treatments, and technologies, we can work out exactly what is going on in your body during menopause. We then use those diagnostics to re-balance your hormones and resolve any nutrient imbalances that you might be experiencing.

It’s a completely customized solution that will help you to face down every single menopausal symptom you’ve ever experienced. And it’s genuinely personalized to a level that you won’t usually see.

Reclaim the Adventure!

When it comes to menopause, you don’t need to suffer. You’re at a time in your life where you deserve the best in intimate relationships, vacations, adventures, and everything that life still has to throw at you!

So if you feel that menopause is holding you back, why not come and see us at our Doctors Studio Women’s Clinic, and check out our exclusive women’s supplement range? Or call us today to find out more about what we can do for you (and we can do a lot!). We’re always here to help!

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Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


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It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life