Passion is the fire that lights the way. Don’t let erectile dysfunction hold you back.


Worried about ED? Whether you suffer yourself, or if you’re concerned for your partner, this article is for you! We’ll break down the hormonal causes of ED and explain what you can do if you think you need to get your hormones checked out.

But before we begin – remember that, while ED can feel like a life sentence, seeking treatment often leads to a quick reprieve! So never feel alone – always reach out for help, because there are many great treatments out there.

ED And 30 Million Americans

When it comes to every area of your life, passion is the fire that truly lights the way. But passion can die pretty fast when erectile dysfunction (ED) rears its ugly head. And right now, it’s an issue that is affecting around 30 million American men.

Yes, you read that right. 30 million.

We like to share that statistic because it communicates, straight off the bat, that no ED sufferer should feel alone.

You’ll know yourself if you’ve ever experienced it that ED can be isolating, confusing, and a barrier to intimacy. and you may have put off pursuing treatment for that exact reason. You might feel too ashamed or vulnerable to talk about it, or seek help. But the reality is that millions of men – probably including men that you know – are suffering from it right now. You have every reason to reach out confidently for help.

Your Awesome First Responder

Call us optimistic, but we often see something positive in ED.

Why? Well, erectile issues are often the first symptom of deeper, more urgent health problems – such as serious heart conditions or diabetes. It’s of value to us because often those serious conditions carry no side effects and go unnoticed until it's too late.

That’s just one more reason to check out your ED fast – to halt more serious issues, as well as improving your sexual performance!  And for us, that’s a major win-win.

In truth, however, ED can be caused by no more than regular hormonal imbalances. For example, increased prolactin levels mess up your sex life. If thyroid hormones are out of whack, that can cause major bedroom issues, too. And men suffering from prostate cancer often receive hormone treatment that can lead to ED.

A normal age-related plunge in testosterone around the mid-40s (the andropause) can often cause sexual performance to fall off a metaphorical cliff (in fact, around 40% of 40-year-olds will experience ED).

And cortisol and estrogen levels? Both can become disrupted and cause sexual performance issues.

Time to Test Out your Testosterone?

When most people think of male sex hormones, their minds shift immediately to testosterone. And for good reason!

Testosterone plays a huge role in libido and erectile ability, with low levels also responsible for symptoms like depression, hair loss, muscle loss, disinterest in sex, and anxiety. Could it be time to get yours checked out?

Explaining Your Endocrines

While many medics focus only on testosterone, we like to perform a full endocrinological profile for our clients to understand not only hormonal  balance and overall levels, but also hormonal interactions.

These interactions and the imbalances between them may ultimately dictate the treatment that you receive. From hormonal pellets, to nutritional adaptations, there are a lot of great interventions out there!-and there will be one that really suits you.

If you’re interested in finding out more about hormone diagnostics or treatment, simply check out our Men’s Clinic today. Or consider making some lifestyle changes!

For example, cut back on work hours if you can. Less work stress causes a drop in elevated cortisol levels, concomitantly increasing testosterone. Alcohol and smoking causes major issues with male sex hormones – so cutting back on either can yield instant results. And embarking on a higher protein diet and strength training in the gym? That will power up IGF-1 (growth hormone) and testosterone levels fast! The result? A healthier, fitter, you, and a great sex life once again.

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Choose an Assessment Plan

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