Enlarged Prostate In Boca Raton: Treatment And Advice


You are not alone if you’ve been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate or any of the conditions associated with a large prostate. Half of all men will experience an enlarged prostate by the age of 60.

A large prostate’s severity and risk profile vary from patient to patient. Some cases are benign, while others could be an indication of cancer. If you suspect an enlarged prostate, you must meet with your doctor to create a treatment plan if necessary. 

Working with a functional medicine doctor helps to treat the root cause of the enlarged prostate instead of medicating the symptoms. Treating an enlarged prostate at the root cause means that you’re able to find complete healing—instead of getting stuck in an endless cycle of medications and their side effects. 

Once you have a sound functional treatment strategy, there are still ways to ensure you don’t exacerbate an enlarged prostate. Let’s explore what lifestyle habits may be contributing to an enlarged prostate.

What Is An Enlarged Prostate?

enlarged prostate featured photo

Your prostate gland is located below the bladder and helps with healthy sperm production, filtration, and hormonal regulation. It tends to grow as men age, and when it becomes too large, symptoms start to appear with possible complications to a man’s health.

What Are Enlarged Prostate Symptoms?

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate vary from undetectable to severe and include:

  • Difficulty urinating or having frequent urination
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Bladder stones
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder during urination
  • Waking up at night to urinate

What Activities Exacerbate An Enlarged Prostate?

Doctor pointing at man holding groin

At our Boca Raton enlarged prostate treatment center, we’ve found that certain activities are related to the root cause of enlarged prostates. Even though you might need advanced treatments, behavior and lifestyle can often significantly impact whether or not your enlarged prostate is further irritated. 

If you currently engage in any of these activities and are suffering from an enlarged prostate, we recommend stopping the activity as soon as possible. 

Caffeine & Alcohol

Alcohol and caffeine exacerbate enlarged prostates by increasing urination frequency. Both can irritate the prostate and the bladder, so it’s best to reduce or eliminate any consumption until you’ve completed any treatment.

Infrequent Exercise

Many of our patients are aware of the general benefits of exercise; however, there are also direct health benefits for prostate health. 

Studies have shown that patients who exercised were 57% less likely to experience any progression in prostate cancer. Additionally, exercise prevents Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a condition associated with an enlarged prostate. Men with Chronic Prostatitis who take brisk walks regularly report lower amounts of pain and better mental health.

Poor Nutrition

As a functional medicine doctor’s office in Boca Raton, our job is to identify the root cause of any illness, including an enlarged prostate. Our journey to the root cause often delivers us to the door of inflammation. 

In the case of enlarged prostates, we recommend reducing the chances of inflammation by eating a healthy diet rich in leafy greens and cutting out foods that contribute to irritation and inflammation.

Foods to avoid if you have an enlarged prostate include:

  • Dairy: Dairy contains growth hormones, which is the last thing any enlarged prostate needs.
  • Soy: With high estrogen concentrations, soy is harmful to anyone with an enlarged prostate.
  • Sugars: Sugar causes inflammation, so cutting it out of your diet is strongly recommended if you are ready to reduce any pain or discomfort from an enlarged prostate.

Ignoring Symptoms

We know that life is busy, and the last thing you want is to have to treat a health issue. Especially if your symptoms are benign, they can be tempting to ignore. However, with an enlarged prostate, symptoms will likely persist or progress to prostate cancer. 

Partnering with a health professional committed to understanding your entire health blueprint, current concerns, genetics, lifestyle habits, and mental health is vital to treating an enlarged prostate. 

Most doctors view symptoms as the main problem; in reality, your symptoms are a sign that there’s a deeper issue. If you outright ignore your symptoms—or mask them with medication—your enlarged prostate will continue to worsen.

Root Cause Wellness ebook 2022_sided version

If You Only Treat Symptoms, the Underlying Causes Never Go Away

Let’s Get to the Bottom of Your Health Issues. Then Remedy Them.

Functional Medicine For Enlarged Prostates In Boca Raton

At Doctors Studio, we’ve successfully treated thousands of patients with enlarged prostates. We offer cutting-edge treatments that relieve symptoms, prevent cancer, and restore vitality. 

When you contact our functional medicine office in Boca Raton, you’ll receive a medical experience unlike any other. Our staff and team guide you through a step-by-step process where we get to know every aspect of your health: mind, body, and spirit. 

We provide you with the most comprehensive testing available so you and our team can create a health and wellness strategy that restores your health and leaves you feeling empowered. Schedule your call today if you’re ready to treat your enlarged prostate at our Boca Raton office.

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How To Get Started


Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


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It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life