Studio Detox Program in Boca Raton, FL

Great Nutrition is Habit Forming


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You want to live a life that matters and to reach your full potential.... RIGHT?

But you have been unable to achieve your goals. You are making the effort and not seeing results, but you don’t know what to do or who to trust. The bottom line is that if you don’t have the right information and the right process to follow you will spin your wheels and never get to the life you want.

You know that living in your current state isn’t an option. But you are afraid that the answer to your problems is out of your reach.

You know you are capable of more, but time is running out. You may even feel like a burden to your family and worse than letting yourself down, you are letting them down.

My Story…

Dr. Lisbeth Roy in black

Hi. My name is Dr. Lisbeth Roy. I am the founder of Doctors Studio, and the creator of our flagship program called Studio Detox. Studio Detox empowers people just like you to transform how you look and feel, and to reclaim your health & happiness.

The program is a culmination of a personal journey, one that I embarked on when my health was at an all-time low. This wellness approach literally saved my life.  Once I recovered, I promised myself, that I would create a program that would bring the exact benefits that I had experienced to others. What I knew was just too powerful to keep to myself!

I used to be so fatigued that every day it felt as though I was dragging myself through mud. Everyone in my life was affected by my lack of energy. I was gaining weight. I had a hard time sleeping. I couldn’t concentrate. My belly was bloated, I had no libido, and I was felt GROSS. I felt as though I had failed everyone who was depending on me. I felt inferior, uncertain, hopeless, and pretty scared.

You know what I’m talking about…

I was lucky to meet Eula, a toxicology specialist when I was at my lowest point. She helped me see that if I dug deep enough into the science of how the body works, I would learn how to remove toxicity and could then understand how to flood my body with what it needed to regain balance and thrive. It took me months of research and years of trial and error to develop a program that changed my life, and the life of thousands.  The extraordinary effort it took was worth it – and it led to the creation of what I now call the Studio Detox Program.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that this program literally saved my life, my relationship, and my practice. It helped me return to being the head of my family and the doctor my patients count on.

Studio Detox was my game-changer – and it could be yours, too!

What is a Detox?

Studio detox

Our Detox system does what any good detox should do – it enriches your body, flooding it with everything it needs, while simultaneously avoiding or canceling out the effects of potential toxins like alcohol, processed foods, grains, dairy, nightshades, and genetically modified foods (such as corn and soy).

Detox Is Not Deprivation. in Fact, It Is Quite the Opposite.

The right detox makes you feel incredible, gives you the nutrients and vitamins your body hungers for, streamlines the efficiency of your physiological systems, respecting your body like never before, making you feel younger, fitter, more alert & healthier.

Toxicity is removed, and the efficiency of your body, right down to the cellular level, is majorly improved.

When done effectively, you will enjoy the process, enjoy what you’re eating, and not feel deprived. It will fit into your lifestyle, and get you the results you need, fast.

You’ll love the way you feel, light, energized, clear thinking and renewed!

The program helped Jay and Betsy lose fat, increased their energy, and improved their relationship. After 30 years of marriage, they feel better and more in control than they ever have! In fact, Jay now has a better sex drive and erectile function than he has done in years, and Betsy feels sexier than ever! They hold hands like they used to and look forward to the time they have in the evenings to spend their newfound energy & intimacy.

Jay & Betsy

Cheryl’s hair is thick and healthy after years of suffering from hair loss. Her skin glows and her mood is joyful. She went to doctor after doctor looking for help. Once she started the Studio Detox Program, she saw changes in her body very quickly. Changes like improved bowel movements, stronger nails, and improved lab results. She had gotten used to being mildly constipated and did not realize how amazing she would feel to move her bowels every morning and to live without gas and discomfort. She tells me that her friends are jealous, and they want to be “just like her”. They don’t believe her when she tells them how easy it is to do the Studio Detox and how quickly she saw improvements in the way she looks and feels.


At age 67, Ken’s tennis game is better than it was 20 years ago because he sleeps better, has more energy, has more muscle, and no aches and pains like he used to. He loves to come by the office to show me his “new muscles” and a slimming waistline.


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Give us 4 weeks and we can make you feel like a million bucks. I know what you’re thinking. How can this work at all, let alone in 4 weeks, if I’ve already tried everything?

The difference is that our program builds on vast medical knowledge, many years of medical experienced, and a proven, tried-and-tested solution that I’ve even utilized and experienced the benefits of myself. Put another way, I’ve done the hard work for you. You just need to enjoy the effects.

Grinding green spinach

When you order Studio Detox, the really awesome part begins. Straight away, you will embark on a simple, yet targeted step-by-step detox approach that will get your body back to working for you – not against you.

Here is what you can expect to receive with your Studio Detox kit which will arrive in the mail within 48 hours of ordering:

  1. Specially Formulated Professional Supplement Packets (Breakfast, Dinner, and Bedtime)
  2. Great tasting meal replacement smoothie powder (Taken for breakfast)
  3. Online Step by Step daily instruction and inspiration
  4. Daily emails to keep you motivated and on track

Client Snapshots

Food good health dietary in heart dish with sporty aerobic body exercise

The Studio Detox program has evolved and changed over the years as we become more and more knowledgeable about how food and your environment dictate how you feel.

It will give you more energy, improve sleep, decrease disease-causing inflammation, help you lose weight, and get rid of harmful toxins that build up in your cells that cause you to store fat and feel sluggish. And it will do it fast, in a way that suits your busy schedule and lifestyle.

But don’t take our word for it – here are a few client snapshots to whet your appetite.

Why do you need Studio Detox?

In a world where 97% of Americans are diagnosed with preventable, reversible chronic diseases (for which they are prescribed often life-long medications that carry their own side effects), the option for medication is always there. But that reactive, drug-based approach didn’t work for me. I believe in preventative medicine, building wellness from the inside out, and not relying on long-term medical drug use. I want that reality for you, too.

I found another way with Studio Detox – a powerful detox program that addresses vitamin & nutrient imbalances, hugely powering up immunity, fighting inflammation, restoring gut health, increasing restorative sleep, and dealing with the toxicity that causes long-term disease. And all without medication.

As we age, the window of time that we have to proactively monitor our health, and diagnose illness, becomes smaller. As a result, we need to invest in our health as much as we can, by treating our bodies with care and respect, maximizing our chance of a healthy life, and minimizing our exposure to energy-sucking, soul-destroying inflammation, toxicity, dysfunctions & compromised immunity. That’s why Studio Detox can be so life-changing, fighting toxicity then placing you on the road to new habits, and long-term health & vitality.

Even with the life-changing obstacles that I’ve faced, I have figured out how to overcome debilitating grief and the challenges of my own health conditions to go on and live an extraordinary life; I now enjoy great professional success in my own practice, I have written a book, I have taught many other physicians my secrets, I truly love what I do, and I have helped thousands of others achieve their wellness goals. But here’s the thing. I couldn’t have done it without Studio Detox and a commitment to eliminating toxins and giving my body exactly what it needed.

Believe me, when it comes to Studio Detox and – in fact – all of the progressive, medically-focused treatments & therapies that we offer – medical knowledge, personal experience, and passion go a very long way.

This program will help you feel energized, think clearly, and sleep soundly. In just 4 weeks you will lose weight. regain your confidence and feel in control of your life and health again. I lovingly refer to this program as my “sneak attack jump start. – Dr. Lisbeth Roy

Studio Detox: Transform Your Life Today

Let us show you what a meaningful, healthy, vibrant life really looks like. Then show your family, friends, and your local community the same, exemplifying just how great it could be to live life with energy, time, focus, and optimism to spare.
I’ve walked that road and I can tell you – it is well worth the investment.

In sum, if you’re doing your best to eat “healthy”, yet you still can’t seem to gain control over your life, if you notice the beginning of some concerning symptoms but don’t want to address them, or if you go to your doctor with fatigue, listlessness or a low mood and are told there’s nothing wrong with you, there’s something already wrong. That feeling of being less than awesome is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Let us help you and set you back right now, on the path to wellness and a truly amazing quality of li

You don’t want to just survive. You want to be at your ideal weight, sleep like a baby, feel comfortable in your skin, and wake with abundant energy and optimism.– Dr. Lisbeth Roy

How Do I Sign up?

Women showing bisape

If you feel as if you’re ready to change your life and get back on the path to optimized health & wellness, you don’t need to wait – you can even sign up today!

The process is simple. Simply click below, fill in your credit card information, and the Studio Detox handbook will land in your inbox within minutes.

Then the process begins, leading to a new YOU in weeks.
After you’ve registered, your products will arrive in the mail within 48 hours.

And the moment they do? You’ll be back in control of your life, wellness & happiness.

Imagine what it feels like to be fit, trim, rested, and healthy-looking. Here is what you get with your Studio Detox Kit

Studio Detox Mobile
  1. Specially Formulated Professional Supplement Packets (Breakfast, Dinner, and Bedtime)
  2. Great tasting meal replacement smoothie powder (Taken for breakfast)
  3. Online Step by Step daily instruction and inspiration
  4. Daily emails to keep you motivated and on track

Studio Detox – the program that changed my life. I’d love for it to change yours, too.

Dr. Lisbeth Roy, D.O.

Founder of Doctors Studio

Studio Detox FAQs

What is Studio Detox?

Studio Detox is a combination of detoxification & the elimination of irritating foods & allergens. It floods the body with ‘ultra-nutrition’; a system whereby we give the body the nutrients it needs to repair imbalances and optimize physiological functions.

What is Studio Detox?

Studio Detox is a combination of detoxification & the elimination of irritating foods & allergens. It floods the body with ‘ultra-nutrition’; a system whereby we give the body the nutrients it needs to repair imbalances and optimize physiological functions.

What do you eat during the Studio Detox program?

Whole, fresh foods ONLY! No boxed, canned, or packaged/processed foods are allowed. If nature doesn’t make it – you won’t be eating it! The 28-Day Detox Grocery Shopping Guide supplied with the Studio Detox program tells you everything that you need to know.

What do you NOT eat during the Studio Detox program?

ANYTHING that comes in a box, a bag, or a can. As a rule, packaged foods tend to be processed foods, so we need to eliminate them. Your Studio Detox Handbook gives you all the information that you need to know in terms of what not to eat.

Who should do the Studio Detox program?

Studio Detox is right for everyone because it optimizes the way you feel, the way your body functions, & the strength of your immune system. You might find it particularly useful if:

  • You exercise and diet regularly, then return to a “normal” pattern of eating – & all of the bodyfat that you lost comes right back
  • You can’t seem to reach your goal weight, regardless of what you do
  • You are not feeling well but can’t pinpoint a cause
  • You have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar
  • You have been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Your doctor has told you that you have pre-diabetes
Will I lose weight doing Studio Detox?

Many people do because a by-product of optimizing health means greater efficiency of physiological responses (including heightened fat & energy metabolism), water loss as a result of no more bloating or inflammation, & a lowering of stress hormones that can promote fluid retention and weight gain.

However, the primary goal of Studio Detox remains the elimination of foods and food groups that may be negatively impacting your health. The focus of the program is to remove foods from your diet that are most likely to cause health & wellness-related problems, & to detoxify and flood the body with ultra-nutrients.

What are some benefits that I can expect from the Studio Detox program?

Studio Detox will lead you toward a nutritious diet, helping you to find foods that help you feel great about your body. You may also discover other great benefits, like improved digestive health, reduced cholesterol, increased energy, or lower blood pressure.

This program helps to naturally repair your metabolism, balance hormones, and restore GI (gastrointestinal) health and as a result, many clients experience a great increase in energy, an end to bloating, flatulence, indigestion & constipation, an improved emotional mood & better sleep.

What do I do if I become constipated?

If you are consuming enough water whilst on the Studio Detox program, this shouldn’t be a problem. Your stools should remain soft, and you should not have to struggle with regularity.

However, if you experience constipation, we recommend using magnesium citrate, which is safe to use to relieve temporary constipation (and also includes major health benefits of its own!).

Due to the relaxing qualities of magnesium, it might be best to take this before bed.

What can I take if I have a headache?

One temporary side-effect of a detox can be a headache. To relieve this, you can take over-the-counter medications formulated to address aches and pains (i.e., regular painkillers).

This will not impact your success in the program in any way. To ensure, however, that you are drinking enough water. Dehydration can cause hunger and headaches.

Do I need assistance from my primary physician?

Yes, if you are on prescription medications, we strongly recommend that you communicate with your primary care physician and let them know that you are going to embark on this Detox.

The doses of your medication often need to be adjusted as the benefits of the Program kick in.

Do you have any tips to help me get through Studio Detox?

  •  Make sure your home and workspace are “program ready.” Clear your pantry of any junk, processed food, or anything not listed on your grocery shopping guide. 
  •   Don’t focus on calories. Eating enough and at the right time is the most important aspect.
  •   Inform friends and family you are striving toward a healthier lifestyle so they can support and encourage you throughout your journey.
  •   Eat enough to be satiated. It’s better to eat too much good food than to get ravenously hungry from deprivation and then binge on off-program foods.
  •   Blend raw almonds and flax seeds together to put on a salad. This adds fiber, flavor, texture, and lots of good fats necessary for burning the fat stored in your body.
  •  Meal prep. Each week, plan your meals and have your groceries and meals ready to “grab and go” at the beginning of each week. This will ensure you avoid excuses to cheat.
Why can’t I have eggs?

Eggs are not allowed on the program, because they are considered one of the top 5 food allergens. A lot of us have undiagnosed food intolerances.

Do you have to walk for 30 minutes every day in addition to the prescribed HIIT training?

Yes. In addition to HIIT, it is recommended and encouraged to walk for 30 minutes every day.

If I already have a workout regimen, do I need to decrease my workouts to 2-4 days a week, 20 minutes a day?

No, however, HIIT exercising is much more effective for muscle building and fat burning than many other programs, which will set you on the path to optimized health faster.

A lot of people also don’t know that strength training carries unique emotional & mental health benefits, too, so we want you to benefit from a full-range spectrum of exercise-related outcomes.

Why can’t I have Splenda, Equal, Sweet ‘n’ Low, or similar sweeteners on the program?

Part of the success of the program and your journey toward long-term health involves eliminating processed foods and artificial ingredients, of which artificial sweeteners are one. Most sweeteners contain many of the ingredients that can cause toxicity, a sluggish metabolism, and other health issues – their primary goal is not health or detoxification, but fat loss – so we generally eliminate them from the Studio Detox (fat loss can be achieved in vastly healthier ways whilst maintaining a detox outcome).

We consider SweetLeaf Stevia as an acceptable product to use (but not Truvia, Purvia, or similar Stevia products, given their inclusion of unnatural ingredients such as erythritol or dextrose) and recommend that you grab a handful of fruit to quell sugar cravings (fruit has fructose – fruit sugar – which might give you the hit of sweet stuff that you need!).

What happens if I miss a dose of Wellness Packs?

If you miss a dose of Wellness Packs and remember a few hours later, simply take the missed dose with your next meal. If you realized you missed a dose from the previous day, do not double up.

How can this plan become even more personalized?

Detoxification requires energy. Calories are needed to fuel the pathways to move toxins through the system. Therefore, this detox is not limited to a calorific reduction or goal.

 However, a specific calorie level may be prescribed on an individual basis, if there are other aspects that are being addressed, such as blood sugar concerns, guided fat loss, or improved body composition. Provided in this program is a formula to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), along with specific food guides for use during the 28-day detox and after the detox. 

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How To Get Started


Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


Begin Your Wellness Journey

It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life