Immunity to the Power of Three!


When it comes to supercharging your immunity, we don’t mess around. Doctors Studio Trifecta has been created as a triple threat to face down every virus, bacteria, and health threat out there. It’s exactly the treatment that we all need in 2022 to truly stay on top of our game!

Interested? Read on to find out more about how you can take your immunity to a new level and secure your wellness today!

In 2022, Health is Wealth

In an age where Covid-19 and immunity now dominate the front pages of every magazine, bitcoin, Forex, and trading portfolios are no longer the hottest subject du jour.

That’s because these days, being rich in HEALTH has become the most attractive commodity around.


Well, over the course of human history, it is always the scarcest resource that has rapidly become the most desired and precious commodity around. And right now, amidst historic pandemics, we’ve become particularly focused on protecting our immunity.

Simply put, becoming super healthy won’t just win you one of the most desirable resources around. It’ll also make you feel and look like a million bucks. All you need to do is eat right, work out, keep stress to a minimum, get a great night’s sleep, and ensure that you’re always 100% topped up with the best immunity-boosting vitamins and minerals.

Yeah, yeah, we know! Who has time for that?!

Optimization of health – something that we’ve always believed in – is now a message that is filtering through to everyone. We’ve known for years that when you optimize your health, you will look and feel truly fabulous. Better than you ever have done before!

But we currently live in a nation where 45% (or 133 million) of us suffer from at least one chronic disease1. Preventable disease costs America a staggering $730 billion per annum. Most of us take in too many fat and sugar calories, yet we are still majorly vitamin deficient2. And that means that the odds of you feeling amazing are stacked against you.

You know what we think? It’s time to restack the odds, optimize your health, take control back from the threat of Covid-19 and other illnesses, and really change the game!

Optimizing Your Health & Wellness

Society has taught us to believe that medicine is there to enable the absence of diseases – like Covid-19. But for us, it’s there for the optimization of wellness, too. It’s there to enable you to go through life looking and feeling like a million bucks. And that’s exactly what Trifecta can do.

But before we go any further – you don’t need Trifecta if you already feel on top of your game every single day. It’s also not what you need if you already sleep like an angel every night, while acing it at work every day. Bound out of bed with energy to spare, feeling optimistic and super charged? Look away now.

Happier than you’ve ever been? Then it isn’t for you!

But if any of the above sounds out of your reach – read on!

The Ultimate Triple Threat

Here’s how Trifecta works.

The therapy combines the power of ozone therapy with IV nutrients and UVBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy) for fast and effective results.

First, ozone therapy creates a major anti-inflammatory, pro-immunity, and anti-aging response within your body. Stimulating growth factors and improving blood circulation, it also powerfully increases oxygen levels. By improving healthy microbial gut activity, it’ll not only boost your energy and digestion, but charge up your immunity, too.

Second, customized IV nutrient therapy will literally flood your body with the exact nutrients you need to feel super charged with health. Customized to your exact needs, you’ll feel an instant surge of energy and well being straight after the treatment.

And third, UVBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy) will rapidly and powerfully increase venous oxygen, enhancing resistance to infections. It’ll majorly detoxify your body, while also providing impressive anti-inflammatory benefits.

It’s the fastest route to wellness around.

Health – The Ultimate Investment

In 2022, what we know is this. HEALTH has become the new WEALTH.

As the most precious resource we have, your health means everything. And that’s why we remain committed at Doctors Studio to helping you protect yours.

Alongside Trifecta, we offer an incredibly comprehensive, physician-grade range of nutritious supplements, immunity boosters, and wellness treatments. And we can guarantee that every great health treatment that we offer – including Trifecta – will pay major wellness dividends.

Interested in finding out more? Check out Trifect today to our highly qualified Studio Team to find out more. We’re always here to help!

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How To Get Started


Choose an Assessment Plan

Start the process by determining your current
wellness status.


Schedule a Consultation

Meet with an expert practitioner to review the results of you assessment and discuss your customized treatment plan.


Begin Your Wellness Journey

It's time to get back to balance and experience optimal wellness and quality of life