Male Baldness Hair Loss

Receding Hairline? Here’s How to Fight Back!

Male Menopause

Male pattern baldness, receding hair, alopecia, thinning on top…whatever you want to call it, if it’s upsetting you, or affecting your life, then we want to help!

One of the most common symptoms of male hormonal changes that come with age (for example, as part of andropause – the so-called ‘male menopause) is hair loss. You know what we’re talking about – one day after a show you suddenly realize you can see more of your scalp than you used to, and you have to start changing up your hairstyle to cover it up. You brush your hair & look down at your hairbrush. You start to feel alarmed, but there seems to be nothing you can do and you just hope that the different hairstyle, or the hair dye, might help to hide it. You start to feel older and it begins to affect your confidence. You ask yourself just how bad is it going to get?

Associated with declining testosterone levels, getting balder or thinner on top affects most men at some point in their lives. Regardless of how common it might be, it can seriously dent your confidence, make you worry that you suddenly look & feel older, make you worry that you are becoming less attractive to potential partners, and, generally, just sucks. What makes matters worse is that these days, thick hair is often used as a signal for vitality, health, wellness & youth in a vast number of commercials, movies & modeling campaigns, & you just want that feeling of youth & vitality BACK.

Total hair lost men thinking and looking up

First, an astounding 35 million men in the US suffer from hair loss so if it’s happening to you, rest assured that you’re not alone. Second, there is great news! There is a way of fighting back. So if it’s happening to you, read on, find out how to treat it, and don’t put up with confidence-killing hair loss any longer! Dr. Roy, the founder of the Doctors Studio, talks us through some common causes of hair loss & what the Doctors Studio can do to help you fight it:

What Specific Therapies Do You Offer?

One of the great therapies that our clients love is Studio Scalp. Studio Scalp is an innovative therapy for hair loss that uses Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) to mobilize the non-thermal beneficial effects of low-intensity light to alter biological cell activity. Known within the clinical literature as photobiomodulation, or photobiostimulation, medical research reports its effectiveness in a whole range of medical scenarios, including hair loss (alongside many other positive benefits, such as the management of pain, nerve regeneration, & wound healing). The Hair Society also reported recently that they believe laser radiation-based treatments (such as Studio Scalp) carries the potential to invigorate follicles and cells of the scalp to grow more effectively via the stimulation of greater blood flow and nutrient transport to the area. 

It is thought that LLLT positively influences effects on the mitochondria which leads to an increase in ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) levels, ATP production (ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate, is an energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things), and induction of the transcription factors that activate our genes and produce proteins that are beneficial to cells.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

We also favor a fantastic medically innovative therapy that has transitioned across a whole range of fields, from dentistry, orthopedics, sports medicine to aesthetics – and now hair loss. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) technologies allow us to concentrate the pure healing power of the plasma in your own blood and reinject it directly into the scalp to powerfully stimulate regeneration of the hair & improve blood flow to the scalp, thereby benefiting from the stimulation of growth factors to power up improved hair growth.

Lifestyle, Nutritional & Supplement-Focused Interventions

Happy man-Hair-loss

We may also consider other factors that can seriously affect hair loss & regrowth, and test you for vitamin & mineral deficiencies, the need for probiotics, the presence of toxins & pathogens, the presence of harmful microbiota in your gut, a consideration of whether different medications or exercise & eating patterns might benefit you, and a careful consideration of any existing conditions or medication that you might be engaging with. As functional medical specialists, we know how deeply connected the different systems of the body are, and that dysfunction in one area might hugely impact another.

Whatever therapies – such as Studio Scalp, or PRP – that we recommend – are ultimately far more likely to be successful, and successful for longer, if we take this holistic approach.

Contact the Doctors Studio Today

Unlike many other wellness practices, our Studio Team is not only well-versed in talking you through the specificities of this progressive hair replacement therapy. We are also medically trained to identify any hormonal or endocrinological, nutritional, or other imbalances that might prove to be a root cause of hair loss, which we can effectively treat using a range of progressive, next-gen & scientifically-backed hormone-based therapies tailored specifically to your unique needs. So contact us today if you feel that you, or someone you love, might benefit from hair restoration therapy and we look forward to helping you restore your hair to a great condition once again!

Get to the Root of Your Health Issues At Last

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